my rehoboth

(Genesis 26:22...a place for random thoughts!)

Saturday, October 21, 2006

'carpenter' is hebrew for...

sometimes i wonder...maybe i should stop there;o)....where to draw the line between 'token, good christian girl' and 'okay that's just stupid...'

maybe this isn't such a struggle for some, but for myself it has been a source of great contention recently.

case in point:

in an attempt to be more plugged in to the Christ-believing community around me, i have been doing my best to diligntly participate in the events of a small group on campus that calls themselves 'bastyr christian fellowship'


sounds simple and good enough to me.

but still, i think maybe there is something wrong upstairs because so many times i feel like the poster child for the local chapter of does-not-play-well-with-others anonymous.

at our last meeting, all was progressing nicely. some made suggestions about meeting together with the intention of reading through some scripture passages on a regular basis, another offered her home for an evening of worship...and then it came. that moment when i squeezed my eyes together as a slightly nauseous feeling washed over me. i hoped this moment wasn't really happening in my precious little 'bcf' but in a very real moment a zealous and well intetioned (i'm sure) young man enthusiastically reported that he had finished designing the t-shirts for our club. so, in light of the wwjd craze, one might wonder if Jesus would've made t-shirts for all of His disciples to stylishly proclaim their affiliation. but i can appreciate that this is the 21st century and for some reason people really like to belong to stuff and when they do they really really like to have t-shirts and bumper stickers for their nalgenes and rubber braceletes to reinforce their belonging...just in case anyone didn't know.

but seriously, this is just a little too much for me...



did i miss something?


  • At 6:22 AM, October 22, 2006, Blogger Lord Milton Pepperbottom III said…

    are you kidding me? you're not down? c'mon! my mom would kill for one of those! DON'T FORSAKE THE 'BCF,' RAQUEL! i know ya might not like it, ya little black sheep, but c'mon, i think it's hilarious! i mean, he probably was, if you think about it, right?



    maybe it's not even stating socio-religious sentiment... maybe it's more like a... like, a well-studied and documented fact, presented by one of the doctoral canidates from UW... i mean, who knows?

    oh man, i seriously want one though! oh geez, hilarious!

  • At 6:24 PM, October 22, 2006, Blogger r.m. said…

    jevin! gosh, why do you always have to be on 'their' side?! - ha! well, if you love it so much i'll just send you mine...since i'll probably have to buy one if i want to still be part of the klub ;o/

  • At 8:09 PM, October 22, 2006, Blogger Lord Milton Pepperbottom III said…

    ha ha ha! membership is fun! paying for it means it's more important!

  • At 6:53 PM, October 23, 2006, Blogger r.m. said…

    you're right! thank you for setting me straight -- how could i be so foolish -- i love the man ;o)


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