my rehoboth

(Genesis 26:22...a place for random thoughts!)

Monday, December 04, 2006

word o' the day

i think once i had a little bit of an obsession with recurring words in my life -- i remember i was fascinated by the recurrence of 'collusion' several times over in a single day (i still have to admit that was a little curious)...anyways, i decided to kype a word from a friend because it fueled the start of my new (or renewed) passion for words.
hence, bamboozled. yeah -- isn't that just fun to say? kinda crazy that its truly in our accepted vocabulary, akin to pilfered, another good one.
so in the steady stream of strange and addictive words, i also stumbled upon...

hotch (to wiggle or fidget)
judder (like shudder)
palter (to dispute)
caterwaul (to complain noisily)
rollick (like gambol, caper, cavort, wassail...hmmm)
gormandize (to eat gluttonously)

and that's just the start! its a whole new world of the portentously outré patter...someone stop me, i think i'm going balmy -- unsound, and wacky, moonstruck, daft and a little bit this is truly too much, i guess its what happens when i keep putting off my cogitation for h. path ;o)

ahh finals...why can't you just be a little more ambrosial?


  • At 7:24 AM, December 05, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    there's something about this blog entry that totally turns me on... i think maybe it's your huge, brain. gah, i just wanna bite it!

    um, does it make me stupid to say my favorite word is 'plump'?

    i know it's not as complex as pugnacious, abstemious or quidnunc, but it definately sounds nicer... seriously. say it a couple times! yeah, don't feel dumb, right now! at your computer screen! say it!


    mmm, isn't that an awesome word?

  • At 6:23 PM, December 10, 2006, Blogger r.m. said…

    plump - yes. a beautiful word. if i had to choose a word to say three times over at my computer screen would have to be 'serene' - i like words that sound just like what they mean.

  • At 10:50 PM, December 10, 2006, Blogger Amy said…

    Hey, "bamboozled" was the name of a game show that Joey tried out for on Friends!


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