my rehoboth

(Genesis 26:22...a place for random thoughts!)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

my cell phone is my nemesis.

i have considered getting another one, maybe a samsung or an LG would serve me better than my little pink razr, but i have decided that wouldn't be enough. perhaps i should hold out for the latest and greatest from steve jobs. but even a phone that could send emails, sync with my computer's operating system and play videos would probably not suffice.

its not that i don't love talking with people, its just that (maybe) i almost love it too much. and unanswered voicemails are one of the most difficult things for me to accept. right now, on my stickies i have a list, and i feel like it is growing in the wrong direction, of people i need to call. and not just to call up out of the blue and say hello, but to apologetically dial up and try to graciously convince them that i hadn't forgotten or that i didn't not want to call, but really truly i couldn't.

sometimes you can't return a phone call because there isn't enough time, sometimes you can't return a phone call because there is enough time but because the environment isn't conducive. ie. while i'm sitting in class or in the shower or at a study group or in the waiting room at the hospital or while aunt agnes is recounting (in minute detail) the events of her last medical procedure...these are all good times of the day to chat, and they are often hours spent doing absolutely nothing, but alas, i cannot handle the disapproving stares!

and of course there are times that just aren't good times to chat with one's friend -- like somewhere between the hours of 2 and 6 am, because sometimes i find myself lying awake during those hours of the day thinking about all the people i should call or should-have called and i wonder why i can't just take care of it right then. of course this rule doesn't completely apply. like for my friends half away around the globe, i suppose, that might be a very convenient time, but i am not very good at math at two in the morning and i might get confused and say 'good evening!' when i should have said 'good afternoon!'

but worst of all are the calls that you just can't make because everytime your fingers are held poised above the keys to dial, you're paralyzed. utterly and inexplicably paralyzed. i wish i could explain the phenomenon, but i can only speak from an experiential point of view. it is terribly terrible. and i often use my restless morning hours to think of the antidote, but as of yet, there in none. they are those difficult conversations with those people you love so much it hurts, that are sometimes the hardest, but most necessary conversations ever to be had in life. but until i discover the root of my frozen finger syndrome, my telephone taunts me. it rests so unassumingly on my nightstand, but it whispers of my failure, my inability to follow through. oh cell phone! some day i will prove to you that i am bigger than you think!


  • At 12:14 AM, March 30, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oh my friend, its like you can't say no to phone calls so much that it keeps you up at night. i wish i could talk on the phone through lots of our lectures too - thats what IM is for. if your fingers even become un-paralyzed, give me a call and let me know how you are doing. -Sara

  • At 11:44 PM, March 31, 2007, Blogger r.m. said…

    hello sweet sara! so good to know i'm not alone in my classroom distractedness! he he. yes. i hope we can chat soon too! tell seattle hello from me too ;o)

  • At 8:58 AM, April 02, 2007, Blogger Lord Milton Pepperbottom III said…

    i totally know. it's the same with me and intensely dramitic films i enjoy. i really want to watch it, but i know to really enjoy it i'll have to fully and completely devote myself to it two hours, otherwise i'll cheapen it... but, of course, devoting 2 hours to anything is very difficult with the kinds of schedules people keep nowadays (is that one word? hyphens? what?).

    p.s. i would love to hear from you at 4 a.m.!


    west coast time, i mean...

  • At 2:12 PM, April 02, 2007, Blogger Kendra said…

    I have recently given up on the time difference dillema. My sister moved to Brooklyn, and we can't ever seem to find a time to chat between our four kids and mealtime, bedtime, etc. Then, my grandparents are in Arizona, and just when you figure out whether they are an hour behind or the same time as you, it is too late too call. I am no longer feeding babies at 3 a.m. (2 a.m. your time), so we will have to find another time to catch up. I enjoy hearing your voice in my head as I read your words. It reminds me of fond memories in my mind. Hang in there with school. Eventually, it will have to end :). Until then...


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