my rehoboth

(Genesis 26:22...a place for random thoughts!)

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

so this is growing old

i guess part of growing up is learning that things rarely go your way. my roomate said something very profound when i was feeling pathetically sorry for myself. i was watching a movie where it ends with the guys not getting the girl he loves because she's married already and her husband comes back into her life after a series of i was wallowing in my sorrows and wanting the whole world to pity me he smiled and laughed at the drama at the end of the movie and said "heaven forbid we don't get everything we want!"...maybe he was talking more to me than the movie. i guess i need to learn to soak up all the joys that surround me right now. i was looking through some old pics from college that were stored on my computer. God has blessed me with such an amazing network of loving and awesome people, and even if it all passed away, i could still draw from the well that offers the life that is truly life. soooooo i guess life isn't really "rainbows and butterflies" but, its that raw emotion...even when its sucky...that etches character into us and makes life rich!


  • At 11:20 AM, March 16, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I was talking to the movie, and myself, and the dogs.

    The Holy Spirit was talking to you.

    -Mystery Roommate


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