my rehoboth

(Genesis 26:22...a place for random thoughts!)

Sunday, April 22, 2007

moment of glory

okay, so i know personal boasting is not a considerably attractive trait, but seriously if you can't brag on your blog where can you brag??? ;o)

today i had delusions of grandeur centered on a trip to the cascades and a lovely day in the mountains. unfortunately my plans were detained due to circumstances beyond the scope of this anecdote.

and so i was left with a void.

a completely free, unplanned, beautifully sunny, seattle sunday afternoon. i must say the sun was intoxicating. i was sitting in my front yard and could barely move after returning home from church and discovering an insanely beautiful day awaiting. and as i was lazily daydreaming in my yard, i began to realize just how unkempt our little 'lawn' (composed mainly of dandilions, pine needles and this really strange tall tall grass-ish plant) had become. i guess house-renting is a little different than apartment-renting in more ways than the purchasing-a-gas-dryer-oops-incident that occured earlier in the year!

so hmmm. i set out on a quest to conquer the yard...and conquer i did! i was so proud of my courageous traverse into the very strange but oh-so-seattle-normal 'untied airlines' cargo sheds that reside in our backyard. although a bit hesitant at first, my quest was not in vain. amid the many rusting rakes, shovels, push brooms, unidentifieable flotation devices, terra cotta pots, cobwebs and mouse my surprise i discovered not only an electric weed-wacker but also an electric mower -- what fortune! and so began a laborious, glorious, strangely romantic afternoon in the sun of 'lawn' grooming! it was truly fantastic. just as i so unfortuitously was unaware of the existence of gas clothes dryers i was equally unaware of the electric verision of a lawn mower -- you know how when you vaccum it can be so annoyingly difficult to avoid running over the cord? well, i discovered the same laws of confoundment apply.

anyways, after my surprisingly productive afternoon outdoors i was just wrapping thing up -- winding the amazingly extensive extension cords -- when a neighbor came calling. literally. i heard this guy callling from around the corner, so i responded and he emerged in the yard and his face changed from surpirse to disappointment when his voice fell and he said 'oh, i thought surely i would find a guy back here...' yes!!!!!! i love it. as i tried to supress my welling, i-feel-like-i-just-got-a-gold-star-on-my-math-tables pride i told him i was sorry to dissapoint and he continued to explain that he was having trouble moving a table up his stairs and heard the mower and thought he would find some true muscles -- not just little old me (oh what? this old thing??? wink. wink.) he he. it was a victorious moment in my small little life. a victoriously lovely ending to a truly splendid afternoon.

i know al gore might be a little dissapointed in me but....i heart electric lawn mowers!
(okay, someday i'll try a push-mower al)


  • At 8:30 PM, April 25, 2007, Blogger Lord Milton Pepperbottom III said…

    a day out-of-doors, someone i loved to talk with, a good book and some simple food and music -- that my friend, is true rest...

  • At 7:27 AM, April 26, 2007, Blogger Kendra said…

    what a true moment of glory for you! it's like a true coming-of-age story. you will be missed at the cairns end of the year bbq this weekend. maybe you'll have to call on someone's cell and pass around. even your friend hank will be there. wish you were here!

  • At 1:07 PM, April 26, 2007, Blogger r.m. said…

    wow! cairns bbq -- so wishing i could be there to say hello to everyone ;o) and scuba, i think i need a little bit of that rest you're talkin about... sounds utopian!


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