my rehoboth

(Genesis 26:22...a place for random thoughts!)

Saturday, April 14, 2007

oh! the depth

after listening to some thoughts from john piper and reading a blog from a friend in a far off country, i am moved. so very utterly, speechlessly moved. to thank our God for His grace. it is often difficult to put into words, how, exactly, we came to be followers of Jesus Christ. even more difficult when our ability to refer to the Bible is taken from us. but even so. when we have no tools at all. His truth transcends.

if it were not for His sunsets and sunrises. if it were not for the sound of the wind through the trees, or the ocean waves on the shore. if were not for the vastness of a starry night-time sky. where would my hope come from? oh! the depth of His grace to us, that we are without excuse. His fingerprints surround us and His very creation whispers our name. we are loved, we are precisely fashioned and we are here, now, for such a time as this.


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