my rehoboth

(Genesis 26:22...a place for random thoughts!)

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


a few pics so far...

in just a few short days we have watched the palio della balera -- sort of like a renessaince fest...excpet for the fact that we are in the seat of western civ!!! eaten soooo much pasta. visited an heb farm, an history museum featuring the development of herbal medicine in the area, hopped a train to a place called perugia (known as the sister city of seattle!), wandered in an old medivel garden, spent long hours sipping tasty italia wine while soaking up the beautiful tuscan countryside...and so much more! italy is incredible!
we got to visit an antique collection of original herbal medicine texts... even got to see one of the original cullpepper texts! (the guy who first translated medical info into english for the general population to understand) we hiked around a farm just outside of sansepolcro for an herb company called aboca. they have only a very small market in the u.s. -- but their state-side hq is in none other than the republica of boulder! kewl. we also toured this old garden and i sat under a beautifully peacful locust tree that had been grown to create a beautiful meditation spot: much like the catholic monks sought out in the forests. our instructor explained that the forest in medivel times was considered dark and dangerous...most locals rarely ventured into the tangles of the curious woods, but the monks were drawn to its serenity and were known for their odd acceptance of that unusal terrain. i wonder how often my own fears of the unknown keep me from the greatest adventures. while resting beside a towering albero della gloria tree, i began to want to loosen my grip a bit...

let me not be afraid for adventure, let me not be afraid for the journey. the story is my thirst but my fears are the tightened lips. my soul is cracked and dry for lack of saving water -- the water are the steps i am hungering to take. like a tree planted by streams of hope. is in You -- oh Rock, oh salvation.

it is a lovely journey.


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