my rehoboth

(Genesis 26:22...a place for random thoughts!)

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

why i won't be buying those airline tickets to paris this fall

free your mind!!!!

so today my friend and i were talking about childhood memories; how back in the day our worlds were filled with wonder and mystery, there was so much to be discovered, so much to hope for and look forward to.

maybe it doesn't happen like this for everyone, but there was a moment in time when i think my life came to a schreeching halt, when i collided with the most unmerciful wall of apathy that sapped every last ounce of child-like energy from my soul.

i have spent the last twelve months in recovery.

sometimes i still have a tendency to look in all the wrong places for my healing salve. there are all the quick fixes that come in many shapes and sizes. i see them every day on billboards, magazines, in the window of the nearsest gap...i even sell them for $3.49 a pop to unknowing patrons day in and day out.

and then there's the good stuff. the really really good stuff. it usually requires a little more energy on my part, a little sacrifice and planning.
its a really good long chat on the phone with my best friend from high-school, or sitting down and taking the time to watch the clouds on the sky, going for an afternoon run or spening some much-needed time in the Word.

that's the good stuff, that digs deep into my soul and stirrs up that "inner-child," reminding me that this world is still so much bigger than i could ever imagine. living in our instant gratification world, industrialized by businesses that will offer me a placebo for a buck sevent-five can be treacherous to my searching, hungry soul. i am led to believe that because i control the destiny of my latte...down to the very degrees to which it will be heated, i must hold the keys the mystery of the universe...turns out out be quite a disappointment when i look down at my keyring to find the only keys i hold go to a 1994 buick regal ;o)

another friend of mine told me he was going to be pretty pissed at God if he died alone. that got me to thinking about my plans for the future. i used to think i wanted to travel. but i've decided i don't really want to see rome until i can share it with my husband, and i don't really care to visit the mayan ruins until i can share it with my kids. there is more to life than simply "doing it all"...
its about what you soak up along the way.

sometimes i guess i just have to get outside of the happy-meal box long enough to realized how mysterious and wonder-filled this world...the one right here, in front of me this very instant...really is.

a friend from church said "realizing that one is a child of God should be enough to snap one out of depression forever."

i am a child of God...

i am a child,

of God.


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