my rehoboth

(Genesis 26:22...a place for random thoughts!)

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

no. i'm not lost

do you ever wish you were someone else, or at least somewhere else doing something different? presently, i find myself in one of the most chaotic crossroads of my life but i feel like i'm watching it all pass me by at a hundred miles an hour while i just stand, frozen in time. its kinda like everyone else decided that life should be spent living at hyperspeed and i can barely get enough momentum to make it onto the on-ramp of "real life."

i catch myself moving even slower than normal, maybe just trying to take in all that's happening so quickly around me, or maybe to silently protest the multi-tasking, million mile-an-hour world i've found myself living in. i don't want to claim common citizenship with caffeine junkies and multi-taskers. i'd rather be banned, shunned and completely forgotten than to rub shoulders with people who get minor cardiac arrhythmia just looking at their overbooked pda's.

sometimes i wish i could just escape it all, but the problem is there's no escaping this mentatlity. i think it has permeated every last crack and crevice of our society. i worry, that before i know it i'll be running at their pace, forgetting to look where i'm stepping, missing all those amazing people who decided to take the scenic route, and all the time wondering where i'll find enough time to get everything done.

so i have choices to make. choices about school, about roomates, about friends and church and how i allot my time. and i guess we often draw our impetus for decision-making from the experiences of others, so perhaps at this crossroads it wouldn't be such a bad idea to try out the less trodden path. maybe stop a little longer at the scenic overlooks and take the time to wander a bit.


  • At 3:36 PM, August 17, 2005, Blogger Timmay! said…

    Interesting thoughts. Sometimes I feel like I am that kind of person you are griping about. Today I got up at 3:00am to take my wife to the airport today, and after that I had all sorts of plans to get lots of work done. To multi-task with my overbooked pda. (that also is a phone! hows that for multi-tasking!?) To make a long story short I find myself outside work at 5:30am, locked out and unable to work, then I go to Einstein to use the wireless and it doesn't work. Yada yada, this breaks, that gets delayed and now I find myself with the reality that never left, I just chose to conveniently forget, I don't get to choose my pace. I can make decisions, sure, but there seems to be a higher power that controls it all. I can freak myself out, over-caffeinate, and all that great stuff, but it still doesn't change the fact that I am not in control. So whether I am Joseph in Egypt, pimping out food, or Elijah, doing something out in the wilderness, God is there controlling and wanting us to surrender to him.

    Shoot! got to go get a starbucks before I triple-wiz-bang some multi-tasking hoopla stuff!


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